Single Sided Circuits

Single sided printed circuit boards are the most basic of the printed circuit boards family. They consist of a “single” conductive layer and one layer of solder mask insulating layer on the top and the fiberglass material on the bottom. Standard overall thicknesses range from .031” ‐ .125”. This makes them useful for very simple electronic applications such as control panels and light strips. All component types can be attached to single sided circuits and current carrying capabilities of signal traces range from a few milliamps to several amps.

Some Key Points

  • Simple and robust construction well suited for interconnect and lighting applications
  • Solid rigid construction able to endure years of operation without failure
  • Wide operating temperature range up to 255°C depending on the materials used
  • Mount all component types – surface mount (SMT), thru – hole, wire bond, BGA
  • Meets IPC‐6012 Qualifications and Performance Specifications for Rigid Printed Boards

Design Capabilities

  • Layer Count: 1 conductive layer
  • Trace/Space: .003”/.003” typical, .002”/.002” non‐typical
  • Current Carrying Capacity: few milliamps to several amps
  • Hole Size: .006” drilled not plated and .008” drilled plated typical
  • Copper Thickness: ½ oz, 1 oz, 2 oz typical, 3oz, 4oz non‐typical
  • Material thickness: .031”, .062”, .093” and .125” typical